SHOOK thinks
What SHOOK us this week?
This week PRWeek shared 21 words on 2021 from 45 agencies including SHOOK. A great read, plenty of energy and ambition.
We’ve taken it further: 21 words on trends for brands and businesses to consider for internal and external audiences in 2021:
Sadly lacking recently. Take the opportunity to create safe spontaneity for audiences and colleagues: ad-hoc chats*, chance meetings*, mystery events* (*virtual).
Homeschooling, isolating, changing working hours = the sands are ever-changing under our feet. Help people keep positive habits as routines implode.
Old song paraphrased: We get locked down but we get up again. When times feel tough: create daily optimism, celebrate resilience.
Opportunities for accidental learning are a great…opportunity. Inspiration and learning feel limited when we’re confined to homes and areas. Open minds.
Kicked back to dreaming what will be: travel, parties, hugs. Whatever your audience’s dreaming of, dream with them til it’s reality.
See ya next week!