Isn’t Leap Day weird? An extra day every four years. We’re a bit confused about whether you get paid for it, tbh.
So, we thought we’d make the most of this bonus 24 hours.
We’re offering our extra time to charities, not for profits and campaigning organisations who need help with their 2024 goal.
Three will get a workshop with us, to use behaviour design and creativity to get a ‘leap forward’. They’ll walk away with new thinking, new ideas, and hopefully ready to smash 2024.
Interested or know someone who is?
with your name, organisation name, phone number and email, telling us in ten words per answer the answers to these questions (*ts and cs apply…when don’t they?):
What does your organisation do?
What leap forward do you want to make in 2024 (in other words, what’s your biggest goal)?
Why are you interested in a behaviour design x creativity workshop?
A bit more about your organisation’s size
We can’t wait to hear from you!
*Full terms and conditions below:
Terms and conditions
To enter to win a Leap Forward session, please email leapforward@welcometoshook.com with your name, organisation name, phone number and email, telling us in ten words per answer the answers to these questions:
What does your organisation do?
What leap forward do you want to make in 2024 (in other words, what’s your biggest goal)?
Why are you interested in a behaviour design x creativity workshop?
What size your charity? (Income, number of employees/volunteers)?
If easier, please feel free to email a voice note.
2. We need your applications between 00:01 on 08 February 2024 and no later than 23:59 on 20 February 2024 please
3. We can only judge entries received during this period that follow the format above, so if your wifi goes down or your email corrupts, we’re sorry but you won’t be counted
4. You must be over 18 and have the authority to enter for your organisation
5. Leap Forward is free to enter. No purchase necessary
6. Applicants need to be free on 29 February 2024 to take up the two hour Leap Forward workshop, which they can participate in either in person at SHOOK’s offices in Farringdon or via video call. If this date needs to change, we will let winners know as soon as possible
7. Winners will be chosen by SHOOK’s employees and an independent judge, against the following criteria, with the three places given to the highest scorers:
How much SHOOK feels it can help with your goal (/5 points)
SHOOK team’s connection your organisation, values and mission (/5 points)
Creativity of your answer (/5 points)
Likely impact on the organisation vs its size (/5 points)
8. There is no cash alternative or alternative prize
9. We promise to keep anything you tell us confidential. You promise to respect anything that we say is proprietary or copyrighted. We promise you’ll leave the session with a shortlist of ideas to help towards your 2024 goals, which are yours to use as you wish
10. Applicant data will be looked after in line with our privacy policy (available on our website) and deleted after three months of entries closing
11. SHOOK will announce the winners on its social media channels on 28 February 2024
12. People who work for SHOOK or other competitor advertising, marketing, PR or social agencies are not eligible to apply
13. Unlucky 13. We will try really hard not to but we need to put this in here just in case: We have the right to pause, amend or cancel this offer if circumstances mean we need to
14. SHOOK and the three winners will be able to talk about Leap Forward workshops on their respective social and owned media and via editorial channels with each others’ prior approval
15. These terms and conditions are governed by English law
Winner 1 – Just Once